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Rulers and Guides
Bonzai avatar
Written by Bonzai
Updated over 2 years ago

In Bonzai Studio, rulers and guide enables you to accurately position your asset on the canvas. By default, rulers are enabled and you can view it on the workspace.

Rulers appear along the top and left side of the blank area surrounding the canvas. Rulers provide visualization of the canvas coordinates in pixels.

Ruler on the Studio workspace

The origin of the ruler and the canvas is set to (0,0). The equispaced marking on the ruler enables you to inspect the selected asset’s position.

Guides are reference lines to assist you design the creative. They do not appear on the creative. To draw on the canvas with guides, drag the horizontal or vertical ruler on the workspace.

Vertical and horizontal guide drawn on the canvas

Working with Guides in Bonzai Studio

To create a guide, position the pointer in the ruler and then drag to the desired location.

Horizontal guide drawn on the canvas

Vertical guide drawn on the canvas

Tip: If you can't draw a guide, the guide may not be properly selected on the ruler. Initially, the guide appears with a dashed grey line.

To reposition a guide, position the pointer on the guide, the pointer changes to the Move icon and then drag it to new position on the canvas.

To show or hide a guide on the canvas, use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Press and hold the Command key, then press the G key, then release. (macOS)

  • Press and hold the Ctrl key, then press the G key, then release. (Windows)

To delete a guide, position the pointer on the guide and then drag it back to the ruler.

Vertical guide to draw back to the ruler

Horizontal guide to draw back to the ruler

Note: You can draw one guide on top of another guide on the canvas.

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