On the Canvas, there are several sections which house different options to design and add interactivity in your creative. The different sections are:
Top Bar
Left Sidebar
Main Timeline
Top Bar
The top bar enables you to control the zoom level of the creative, undo, redo an action. Additionally, creative preview, save, and publish options are The top bar contains the following options:
Creative information
Undo and Redo
Left Sidebar
The left sidebar of the Canvas consists of menus that aid in the design process of the creative.
The menus on the left sidebar are:
Elements - Basic and Widgets
Assets - Text, images, audio, and video files for the creative.
Pages - Pages provide the capability to build separate canvas or screens within one creative.
Settings - Inside the Settings menu, you can add the creative's fallback image.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Execute JS
Canvas or the artboard positioned at the center of the Canvas 2.0 help to streamline your design process to lay out designs for different creatives.
The size of the creative is determined from the creative format selected by you. Using the General panel in the Properties pane, you can define your own custom canvas size.
* To add multiple canvas, you need to create additional pages from the Page menu.
The right sidebar of the Canvas consists of the Properties pane and the Events pane. Inside the properties pane, you can control creative, elements, widgets, and asset properties. The different panels available in the Properties pane are:
General panel
Background panel
Border panel
Behaviour panel
Page Type Settings panel
Main Timeline
Timeline provides a view of all the creative contents such as elements and assets over time. By dragging the playhead and creating the required transformations in the desired order, you can create a sequence of actions on the content which play in the timeline from left to right.
The Events pane is located inside the right sidebar of the Canvas. Events enable you to define the action on the creative. You can respond to creative load, user clicks, mouse hover, and mouse out events.