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Desktop TruSkin (DTS) Specs
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Written by Bonzai
Updated over 9 months ago

The Desktop TruSkin is a single creative unit with 1920 (w) x1080 (h) pixels canvas size.

What you'll need to build a Desktop TruSkin

Here are the sizes of the different parts of the Desktop Truskin:

Skin width (left and right) - 460 px (w)
Header height - 250 px (h)
Footer height - 100 px (h)

Publisher content - 1000 px (indicative width, changes from publisher to publisher, ad content on the publisher content area does not appear on the creative)

On the canvas, by default, the publisher content area or the placeholder is considered to be 1000 pixels. Ad content placed on the publisher content area will be pushed behind the publisher content area and the content would not appear on the ad.

The format layout contains an area marked as Indicative Laptop Safe Area on each of the side of the assumed publisher width for the publisher content. This constraint keeps your ad content from being cut off by laptops (screen resolution 1366x768 pixels) or by desktops with lower than 1920x1080 pixels screen resolution.

Sample creative — on large screen display and on laptop

Sample creative on scroll — on large screen display and on laptop


When you build the creative, position your content (such as catchphrase, call to action, etc.) to lie within the safe area.

Sample creative in Bonzai Studio — Design view

The key messages are kept within the safe areas as shown above.

You can work with multimedia assets such as text, images, and videos in Bonzai Studio.

While working with images, we recommend you to do the following:

  • Use layered transparent PNG images. (Avoid using a single creative image with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixel.)

  • Separate layer of images provides better animation options.

  • Only images that require transparency should be saved as PNG. All other images should be saved as JPG to reduce file size.

    • You can further compress the size of a PNG file using web tools such as Tiny PNG or ImageOptim.

  • The final size of a non-video TruSkin should be around 500kb or less to avoid loading delays.

While working with videos, we recommend you to do the following:

  • Position your video asset in the header of the creative.

  • Video duration should be within 6 and 30 seconds.

  • Video aspect ratio should be either 4:3 or 16:9.

  • Video file should be encoded in the H.264 codec.

  • Video format supported is MP4 format.

  • Video file size:

    • For programmatic creative's, the maximum video file size allowed on DSPs is 5 megabytes (MB).

    • Across publishers, the maximum video file size supported is 2 megabytes (MB). Please check with your publisher on the optimal video file size.

    • On the Studio, the maximum video file size is 20 megabytes (MB) per video.

The following link displays a demo creative of the Desktop TruSkin.

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