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Portal Specs
Bonzai avatar
Written by Bonzai
Updated over 9 months ago

Portal consists of screens (such as the foreground and background) arranged as pages.

Pages on the Page menu


To understand the portal format better, refer to the different PSDs given below.


Regular Portal - 300px high, extends to full browser width

High Portal - 600px high

Abridged Portal - restricted to page article width

Portal Dimensions

Here are the dimensions of the creative components for the different types of portals:

Portal Mobile Page Dimensions
Foreground unit: 320(w) x 250(h) pixels(Transparent Background)
Background unit: 320(w) x 620(h) pixels

Portal Tablet Page Dimensions
Foreground unit: 768(w) x 300(h) pixels(Transparent Background)
Background unit: 768(w) x 1024(h) pixels

Portal Desktop Page Dimensions
Foreground unit: 970(w) x 300(h) pixels(Transparent Background)
Background unit: 1440(w) x 900(h) pixels

High Portal Desktop Page Dimensions
Foreground unit: 970(w) x 600(h) pixels(Transparent Background)
Background unit: 1440(w) x 900(h) pixels

Abridged Portal Desktop Page Dimensions
Foreground unit: 600(w) x 375(h) pixels(Transparent Background)
Background unit: 600(w) x 900(h) pixels

Background safe zone: 110px from the bottom of the background image.

Creatives should be supplied in double the resolution to cater to retina devices.


We’ve tested numerous creatives to see how they fare with the Portal format. The format works best on:

  • Environment - Web

  • Platform - Mobile & Tablet(iOS 10+, Android 5+) and Desktop (Win 10, Win 8, Win 7)

  • Desktop Browser - Latest two versions of Chrome, Safari & Firefox

  • Internet Explorer & Edge are not supported, the fallback method will be rendered on these browsers.

  • Safe Frame - Not supported

Supported Elements

The following table displays the functionality of the elements on the creative components in Portal format.


Page Type Supported


Foreground and Background


Foreground and Background


Foreground and Background


Foreground and Background


Foreground and Background



Working with assets

While working with images, we recommend you to do the following:

  • Supported image file types - JPEG, PNG & GIF although we don’t recommend GIFs unless in a pinch.

  • Request a layered PSD rather than a flat image, this will allow for parallax or animation effects.

  • Only images that require transparency should be saved as PNG. All other images should be saved as JPG to reduce file size.

    • You can further compress the size of a PNG file using web tools such as Tiny PNG or ImageOptim.

  • Portal ads should be 500kb or less excluding video. The smaller the size, the more likely the ad is to load quickly.

While working with videos, we recommend you to do the following:

  • MP4 format using the H.264 codec.

    • As a precaution, Bonzai recommends the maximum video file size of 2 megabytes (MB) to comply with the various publisher specs. Please check with your publisher for more information on the optimal video file size.

  • 6 - 30 seconds duration

  • 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio

Serving Container

The Portal format is scroll-based, we recommend to add the container below the initial fold of the website. The serving container for the creative varies as per the device it is designed for.

  • Desktop: Leaderboard, Billboard, and Horizontal Middle Page Unit (MPU)

  • Tablet: Leaderboard, Billboard, and Horizontal Middle Page Unit (MPU)

  • Mobile: MREC and Middle Page Unit (MPU)

The dimension of the leaderboard is 728(w) x 90(h) pixels.

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