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Map Feed to Creative
Bonzai avatar
Written by Bonzai
Updated over 2 years ago

With Feed mapping, you can update the elements of a creative automatically via Feed.

For example, you can build a creative and configure the creative to carry different region-specific messages. So, the ad would appear differently for Australia than it would appear for Singapore.

To map feed with the creative

  1. On the Bonzai Studio home page, click the Campaigns tab and click the campaign. The Campaign view appears.

  2. Click the more actions icon and select Feed Mapping. The Map Creative to a Feed view appears.

    Note: The left side of the page displays the selected creative and the mapped feed. The right side of the screen displays the elements of the creative that can be mapped to the feed attributes.

  3. Map the elements with the respective feed attributes and click Save.

  4. Click Preview. The Preview window appears.

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