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Redefined Metrics
Redefined Metrics
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Written by Bonzai
Updated over a week ago

Media/Delivery Metrics

Served Impressions

The total number of times where the Bonzai ad server responded successfully to an Ad request and the response started executing on the browser.

Requested Impressions

The total number of Ad requests received against a Tag/Creative, whether or not an ad was returned.

If your report has zero ad server impressions, there will be certain dates with no impression data. Those dates don't display a row in your report.

Served Rate

The ratio of ‘Served Impressions’ to ‘Requested Impressions’.

Served Rate (%) = (Served Impressions / Requested Impressions) * 100

Rendered Impression

The total number of served impressions in which the Creative began to render on the page. This signifies that the creative script has been successfully downloaded and has started executing.

Rendered Rate (%)

The percentage of impressions successfully rendered for viewability evaluation purposes, out of served impressions.

Calculation: Rendered Rate (%) = (Rendered Impressions / Served Impressions) * 100

Not all impressions can render successfully.

Non-Rendered Impressions

The total number of impressions not successfully rendered for viewability evaluation purposes.

Non-Rendered Impressions = Served Impressions – Rendered Impressions

Non-Rendered Rate (%)

The ratio of impressions not successfully rendered/recorded out of served impressions.

Non-Rendered Rate (%) = (Non-Rendered Impressions / Served Impressions) * 100

Fallback Impression

The total number of ad requests where no ad was served because browser or device does not support rich media or javascript but the Impression was captured.

Engagement Metrics

Total Interactions

Previously called Total Engagements

The total number of times when the user interacted with the Creative (Clicks, Tap, Swipe, etc.)

Intentional user interactions, as well as Click-throughs, will be calculated as an Interaction. However, the Time based metrics will not be considered in the calculation of an Interaction.

Interaction rate (%)

Previously called Engagement Rate (%)

The ratio of Total number of Interactions to Served impressions.

Interaction Rate (%) = (Total Interactions / Served Impressions) * 100


The total number of times when a user clicks through to an external URL or a landing page.

Click through rate - CTR (%)

The ratio of the number of click-throughs to Served Impressions.

Click through Rate (%) = (Click throughs / Served Impressions) * 100

Filtered Click through rate - CTR (%)

Filtered CTR is the recalculated Click Through Rate (CTR) value after clearing out any invalid clicks.

Our Invalid Click Detection system works by tracking clicks as a combination of IP address and Device. The system marks any combination of IP address and Device as invalid with varying degree of confidence based upon the number of clicks received from this combination per hour/day/week.

Unique Interactions

Previously called First Interaction

Total number of Impressions when the user interacted with the Creative (Clicks, Tap, Swipe, etc.). It will be calculated once per impression.

Unique Interactions rate (%)

Previously called First Interaction rate or FIR

The ratio of Total Unique Interactions to Served impressions.

Unique Interaction Rate (%) = (Unique Interactions / Served Impressions) * 100

Total Expansions

Total number of Impressions in which the Creative was expanded.

Manual Expansions

Total number of Impressions in which the user intentionally clicks to view the Expandable page.

Expansion rate (%)

The ratio of the total number of Expansions to Served Impressions.

Expansion Rate (%) = (Total Expansions / Served Impressions) * 100

Page Views

The total number of times the page was viewed by a user.

There will be multiple page views events fired per page per impression if a user has opened the page multiple times.

Time-based Metrics

Total Time Spent (hh:mm:ss)

The total amount of time (in hh:mm:ss) when the user has been interacting with the Creative.

In a banner unit, the time spent is calculated only when the user is actively interacting with the Creative. In an Expandable format, the amount of time the Creative is in expanded is calculated in Time spent. Hence, any Auto animations or Autoplay Video are not calculated in the Total Time spent.

Average Time Spent (secs)

The average amount of time (in seconds) when the user has been interacting with the Creative.

In a banner unit, the time spent is calculated only when the user is actively interacting with the Creative. In an Expandable format, the amount of time the Creative is in expanded is calculated in Time spent. Hence, any Auto animations or Autoplay Video are not calculated in the Total Time spent.

Total Expansion Duration (hh:mm:ss)

The amount of time (in hh:mm:ss) a creative was displayed in its expanded state.

Average Expansion Duration (secs)

The average amount of time (in seconds) that each creative was displayed in its expanded state.

Engagements on Element - Video

Video Plays

The number of times the video was played, either initiated by a user or autoplayed.

It is the total number of times the video was played in the entire duration of the campaign. Replays are also counted as video plays.

Related Metric: User Play - Video Plays, Auto Play - Video Plays

Video Completions

The number of times Video is viewed to the completion.

Related Metric: User Play - Video Completions, Auto Play - Video Completions

Video Completions rate (%)

The ratio of the total number of Video Completions to Video Plays.

Video Completion Rate (%) = (Video Completions/ Video Plays) * 100

Total Video View Time (hh:mm:ss)

The aggregated time for all the Video plays in which a video is viewed.

Average Video View Time (in secs)

Average time (in seconds) that a video is viewed per view.

Average time (secs) = Total Video View Time/ Video Plays

For example, a 20-second video is viewed by one viewer for 20 seconds. A second viewer views the same video for only 10 seconds. The video view time is calculated as 15.00 seconds.

If you drag the scrubber (video timeline) backwards or stops the video altogether, the video view time is stopped.

Video View rate (%)

The Percentage of a video that is watched by a user.

For example, if a user watches 20 seconds of a 30-second video, the video view rate percentage is calculated as 66.66. A video length value must exist for this metric to be calculated.

25% Completed

Previously called 1st Quartile

The number of times Video is viewed to 25% completion.

Related Metric: User Play - 25% Completed, Auto Play - 25% Completed

25% Completion rate (%)

The ratio of the number of 25% Completed to Video Plays.

25% Completion Rate (%) = (25% Completed / Video Plays) * 100

50% Completed

Previously called 2nd Quartile

The number of times Video is viewed to 50% completion.

Related Metric: User Play - 50% Completed, Auto Play - 50% Completed

50% Completion rate (%)

The ratio of number of 50% Completed to Video Plays.

50% Completion Rate (%) = (50% Completed / Video Plays) * 100

75% Completed

Previously called 3rd Quartile

The number of times Video is viewed to 50% completion.

Related Metric: User Play - 75% Completed, Auto Play - 75% Completed

75% Completion rate (%)

The ratio of number of 75% Completed to Video Plays.

75% Completion Rate (%) = (75% Completed / Video Plays) * 100

Video Interaction

The number of times that a viewer clicks on the graphical controls of a video player.

This metric is recorded by capturing any changes to the video play experience other than autoplay and auto complete.

Video Interaction rate (%)

The ratio of number of Video Interactions to Video Plays.

Video Interaction Rate (%) = (Video Interactions / Video Plays) * 100

Video Paused

The number of impressions for which the user paused the video. It will be calculated once per impression.

Video Replayed

The number of Video Plays for which the user replayed the video. It will be calculated once per Video Play.

Video Muted

The number of Video Plays for which the user muted the video. It will be calculated once per Video Play.

Video Unmuted

The number of Video Plays for which the user unmuted the video. It will be calculated once per Video Play.

Video Fullscreen

The number of Video Plays for which a Video was played in full-screen mode. It will be calculated once per Video Play.

Video Click-throughs

The number of Video completions in which a Click through occurred. This metric is recorded by capturing any changes to the video play experience other than autoplay and auto complete.

Video Click-through rate - Video CTR (%)

The ratio of number of Video Click throughs to Video Plays.

Video CTR (%) = (Video Click throughs / Video Plays) * 100

Engagements on Element - Gallery

All images Loaded

All the images in the Gallery component have been loaded.

Unique Interactions on Gallery

Total number of Impressions when the user interacted with the Gallery element in the Creative (click, tap, swipe, etc.). It will be calculated once per impression.

Total Interactions on Gallery

Total number of times when the user interacted with the 'Gallery' element in a Creative.

All images Viewed

The number of times when all the images in the gallery have been viewed by the user.

It will be calculated once per impression.

Total Time Spent on Gallery (hh:mm:ss)

The total amount of time for all the Impressions where user actively engages with the Gallery element in a Creative.

Avg. Time Spent on Gallery (in secs)

The average amount of time where a user actively engages with the 'Gallery' element in a Creative.

Right Arrow Clicks

The number of clicks on the right arrow in the 'Gallery' element in a Creative.

Left Arrow Clicks

The number of clicks on the left arrow in the 'Gallery' element in a Creative.

Image Viewed (<Image Name>)

The number of times when the specific image in the 'Gallery' element has come in view.

Image On-Click (<Image Name>)

The number of times when the user clicks an image in the 'Gallery' element in a Creative.

Image On-Exit (<Image Name>)

The number of times when the specific image in the 'Gallery' element has gone out from view.

Engagements on Element - Map

Total Interactions on Map

The number of times when the user interacted with the 'Map' element in a Creative.

Unique Interactions on Map

The number of Impressions where the user has interacted with the 'Map' element in a Creative.

Searched for Location

The number of times the user has interaction with the 'Search' component of the 'Map' element in a Creative.

Closest Location found - <Location Name>

The number of times a location is found near to user’s location.

Marker Click / Location Views

The number of times the user clicked on the Location Marker pin of the Map element in the Creative.

Call Click / Location Phone calls

The number of times the user clicked on the Call action of the map element on the Creative.

Website Click / Location website opens

The number of times the user clicked on Go to Website action to redirect to the Website of the Location. It will be calculated once per impression.

Navigation Click / Navigate to Locations (Directions)

The number of times the user clicked on the Navigation component of the map element on the Creative.

Street View Click / Location Street views

The number of times the user clicked on the Street View component of the map element on the Creative.

Reached near Location - <Location Name>

The number of times the user navigated to a marked location and reached close to it (within 500 m radius).

Total Time Spent on Map (hh:mm:ss)

The total amount of time (in hh:mm:ss) for all the Impressions where user actively engages with the 'Map' element in a Creative.

Avg. Time Spent on Map (in secs)

The average amount of time (in seconds) where a user actively engages with the 'Map' element in a Creative.

Engagements on Element - Nearby

Closest Location found

The number of times a location is found near to user’s location.

Location defined

The number of times a found location is a defined location. This is a subset of Closest Location found.

Fallback defined

The number of times a found location is a derived location (via IP). This is a subset of Closest Location found.

Engagements on Element - Wipey

Wipey Starts

The total number of starts of wipe interaction in a Creative.

Wipey Ends

The total number of ends of wipe interaction in a Creative.

By default, the End of Wipe interaction is defined at 50% wipe. However, the user can change this percentage while designing the Creative (in Canvas).

Wipey (%) Complete

The ratio of number of Wipey Starts to Wipe Ends Click throughs to Video Plays.

Wipey % Complete (%) = (Wipey Ends / Wipey Starts ) * 100

Engagements on Element - 360° Object

Total Interactions on 360° Object

The number of times when the user interacted with the '360° Object' element in a creative.

Unique Interactions on 360° Object

The number of Impressions where the user has interacted with the '360° Object' element in a creative.

Frames in-view (<Frame/ Image Name>)

The total amount of time for all the Impressions where users actively engage with the '360° Object' element in a Creative.

Total Time spent on 360° Object (hh:mm:ss)

The total amount of time for all the Impressions where users actively engage with the '360° Object' element in a Creative.

Avg. Time spent on 360° Object (in secs)

The average amount of time where a user actively engages with the '360° Object' element in a Creative.

Engagements on Element - 360° Photo-sphere

Total Interactions on 360° Photo-sphere

The number of times when the user interacted with the '360° Photo-sphere' element in a creative.

Unique Interactions on 360° Photo-sphere

The number of Impressions where the user has interacted with the '360° Photo-sphere' element in a creative.

Viewed All FOV

The number of times when all the frames of View in the 360° Photo-sphere have been viewed by the user. It will be calculated once per impression.

Total Time spent on 360° Photo-sphere (hh:mm:ss)

The total amount of time for all the Impressions where users actively engage with the '360° Photo-sphere' element in a Creative.

Avg. Time spent on 360° Photo-sphere (in secs)

The average amount of time where a user actively engages with the '360° Photo-sphere' element in a Creative.

Engagements on Element - Form

Total Attempts

The number of times the user attempted filling the form.

Successful Submits

The number of times a 'Form' submission is successful.

Failed Submits

The number of times a 'Form' submission is attempted but failed.

Completion rate - Form (%)

The ratio of total number of Attempts to Successful submits.

Completion rate (%) = (Successful Submits / Total Attempts ) * 100

Drop rate - Form (%)

The ratio of total number of Attempts to Successful submits.

Drop rate (%) = (Failed Submits / Total Attempts ) * 100 

Re-fill rate - Form (%)

The ratio number of times the value is deleted & re-keyed to the number of times the field has been in Focus.

Total time spent on Form (hh:mm:ss)

The total amount of time for all the Impressions where users actively engage with the 'Form' element in a Creative.

Avg. Time spent on Form (in secs)

The average amount of time (in seconds) where a user actively engages with the 'Form' element in a Creative.


Phone Calls

The number of calls initiated from a Creative.

Message / SMS

The number of messages/ SMS sent from a Creative.


The number of emails sent from a Creative.

Add to Calendar

The number of times the 'Add to Calendar' action was executed in a Creative.

Opens URL

The number of times an external URL was clicked from a Creative.

Opens App store URL

The number of times an App Store URL was clicked from a Creative.

Facebook Share

The number of times sharing on Facebook was executed from a Creative.


The number of tweets initiated from a Creative.

Close action

The number of times Creative was closed using Close action.

Execute JS

The number of times a JS script was executed.

Format specific metrics - ScrollX

Fully On Screen for no minimum time

The number of impressions where the ad surface was 100% on-screen for any period of time.

Fully On Screen for a minimum of 1 sec

The number of impressions where the ad surface was 100% on-screen for at least 1 continuous second.

More than 10% of the ad in view

The number of impressions where at least 10% of an ad was In-View for any period of time.

50% In View for a minimum of 1 sec

The number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was In-View for at least one continuous second.

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